class |
BoolQParserPlugin |
Create a boolean query from sub queries.
class |
BoostQParserPlugin |
Create a boosted query from the input value.
class |
CollapsingQParserPlugin |
The CollapsingQParserPlugin is a PostFilter that performs field collapsing.
class |
ComplexPhraseQParserPlugin |
Parse Solr's variant on the Lucene ComplexPhraseQueryParser syntax.
class |
DisMaxQParserPlugin |
Create a dismax query from the input value.
class |
ExportQParserPlugin |
class |
ExtendedDismaxQParserPlugin |
An advanced multi-field query parser based on the DisMax parser.
class |
FieldQParserPlugin |
Create a field query from the input value, applying text analysis and constructing a phrase query if appropriate.
class |
FunctionQParserPlugin |
Create a function query from the input value.
class |
FunctionRangeQParserPlugin |
Create a range query over a function.
class |
GraphTermsQParserPlugin |
The GraphTermsQuery builds a disjunction query from a list of terms.
class |
HashQParserPlugin |
syntax fq={!hash workers=11 worker=4 keys=field1,field2}
class |
IGainTermsQParserPlugin |
class |
JoinQParserPlugin |
class |
LuceneQParserPlugin |
Parse Solr's variant on the Lucene QueryParser syntax.
class |
MaxScoreQParserPlugin |
Parses a query like Lucene query parser, but scoring with max score, not sum
Accepts the "tie" request parameter as with dismax.
class |
MinHashQParserPlugin |
class |
NestedQParserPlugin |
Create a nested query, with the ability of that query to redefine its type via
local parameters.
class |
PayloadCheckQParserPlugin |
class |
PayloadScoreQParserPlugin |
Creates a PayloadScoreQuery wrapping a SpanQuery created from the input value, applying text analysis and
constructing SpanTermQuery or SpanNearQuery based on number of terms.
class |
PrefixQParserPlugin |
Create a prefix query from the input value.
class |
RawQParserPlugin |
Create a term query from the input value without any text analysis or transformation whatsoever.
class |
ReRankQParserPlugin |
class |
SignificantTermsQParserPlugin |
class |
SimpleQParserPlugin |
Create a query from the input value that will be parsed by Lucene's SimpleQueryParser.
class |
SpatialBoxQParserPlugin |
class |
SpatialFilterQParserPlugin |
Creates a spatial Filter based on the type of spatial point used.
class |
SurroundQParserPlugin |
Plugin for lucene/contrib Surround query parser, bringing SpanQuery support
to Solr.
class |
SwitchQParserPlugin |
A QParserPlugin that acts like a "switch/case" statement.
class |
TermQParserPlugin |
Create a single term query from the input value equivalent to readableToIndexed().
class |
TermsQParserPlugin |
Finds documents whose specified field has any of the specified values.
class |
TextLogisticRegressionQParserPlugin |
Returns an AnalyticsQuery implementation that performs
one Gradient Descent iteration of a result set to train a
logistic regression model
The TextLogitStream provides the parallel iterative framework for this class.
class |
XmlQParserPlugin |