AbstractEnumField |
Abstract Field type for support of string values with custom sort order.
AbstractEnumField.EnumMapping |
Models all the info contained in an enums config XML file
AbstractSpatialFieldType<T extends org.apache.lucene.spatial.SpatialStrategy> |
Abstract base class for Solr FieldTypes based on a Lucene 4 SpatialStrategy .
AbstractSpatialPrefixTreeFieldType<T extends org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.PrefixTreeStrategy> |
AbstractSubTypeFieldType |
An abstract base class for FieldTypes that delegate work to another FieldType .
BBoxField |
BinaryField |
BoolField |
ClassicIndexSchemaFactory |
CollationField |
Field for collated sort keys.
CoordinateFieldType |
A CoordinateFieldType is the base class for FieldType s that have semantics
related to items in a coordinate system.
CopyField |
CopyField contains all the information of a valid copy fields in an index.
CurrencyField |
CurrencyFieldType |
Field type for support of monetary values.
CurrencyValue |
Represents a Currency field value, which includes a long amount and ISO currency code.
DatePointField |
FieldType that can represent any Date/Time with millisecond precision.
DateRangeField |
A field for indexed dates and date ranges.
DoublePointField |
PointField implementation for Double values.
EnumField |
EnumFieldType |
Field type for support of string values with custom sort order.
ExternalFileField |
Get values from an external file instead of the index.
ExternalFileFieldReloader |
An event listener to reload ExternalFileFields for new searchers.
FieldProperties |
FieldType |
Base class for all field types used by an index schema.
FieldTypePluginLoader |
FileExchangeRateProvider |
Configuration for currency.
FloatPointField |
PointField implementation for Float values.
GeoHashField |
IndexSchema |
IndexSchema contains information about the valid fields in an index
and the types of those fields.
IndexSchema.DynamicCopy |
IndexSchema.DynamicField |
IndexSchema.DynamicReplacement |
IndexSchema.DynamicReplacement.DynamicPattern |
IndexSchema.SchemaProps |
IndexSchemaFactory |
Base class for factories for IndexSchema implementations
IntPointField |
PointField implementation for Integer values.
JsonPreAnalyzedParser |
LatLonPointSpatialField |
A spatial implementation based on Lucene's LatLonPoint and LatLonDocValuesField .
LatLonPointSpatialField.LatLonPointSpatialStrategy |
LatLonType |
LongPointField |
PointField implementation for Long values.
ManagedIndexSchema |
Solr-managed schema - non-user-editable, but can be mutable via internal and external REST API requests.
ManagedIndexSchemaFactory |
Factory for ManagedIndexSchema
NestPathField |
NumericFieldType |
OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider |
Exchange Rates Provider for CurrencyField and CurrencyFieldType capable of fetching &
parsing the freely available exchange rates from openexchangerates.org
PointField |
Provides field types to support for Lucene's IntPoint , LongPoint , FloatPoint and
DoublePoint .
PointType |
A point type that indexes a point in an n-dimensional space as separate fields and supports range queries.
PreAnalyzedField |
Pre-analyzed field type provides a way to index a serialized token stream,
optionally with an independent stored value of a field.
PreAnalyzedField.ParseResult |
This is a simple holder of a stored part and the collected states (tokens with attributes).
PrimitiveFieldType |
Abstract class defining shared behavior for primitive types
Intended to be used as base class for non-analyzed fields like
int, float, string, date etc, and set proper defaults for them
RandomSortField |
Utility Field used for random sorting.
RandomSortField.RandomValueSource |
RptWithGeometrySpatialField |
A Solr Spatial FieldType based on CompositeSpatialStrategy .
SchemaField |
Encapsulates all information about a Field in a Solr Schema
SchemaManager |
A utility class to manipulate schema using the bulk mode.
SimilarityFactory |
A factory interface for configuring a Similarity in the Solr
SimplePreAnalyzedParser |
SortableTextField |
SortableTextField is a specialized form of TextField that supports
Sorting and ValueSource functions, using docValues built from the first
maxCharsForDocValues characters of the original (pre-analyzed) String values of this field.
SpatialPointVectorFieldType |
SpatialRecursivePrefixTreeFieldType |
SpatialTermQueryPrefixTreeFieldType |
StrField |
StrFieldSource |
TextField |
TextField is the basic type for configurable text analysis.
TrieDateField |
TrieDoubleField |
TrieField |
TrieFloatField |
TrieIntField |
TrieLongField |
UUIDField |
This FieldType accepts UUID string values, as well as the special value
of "NEW" which triggers generation of a new random UUID.
ZkIndexSchemaReader |
Keeps a ManagedIndexSchema up-to-date when changes are made to the serialized managed schema in ZooKeeper
ZkIndexSchemaReader.SchemaWatcher |