Class MaintainTimeRoutedAliasCmd

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MaintainTimeRoutedAliasCmd
    extends Object
    (Internal) For "time routed aliases", both deletes old collections and creates new collections associated with routed aliases. Note: this logic is within an Overseer because we want to leverage the mutual exclusion property afforded by the lock it obtains on the alias name.
    NOTE: This API is for internal purposes only and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
    • Method Detail

      • remoteInvoke

        public static NamedList remoteInvoke​(CollectionsHandler collHandler,
                                             String aliasName,
                                             String mostRecentCollName)
                                      throws Exception
        Invokes this command from the client. If there's a problem it will throw an exception. Please note that is important to never add async to this invocation. This method must block (up to the standard OCP timeout) to prevent large batches of add's from sending a message to the overseer for every document added in RoutedAliasUpdateProcessor.