Class RequiredSolrParams

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Iterable<Map.Entry<String,​String[]>>, MapSerializable, MapWriter, NavigableObject

    public class RequiredSolrParams
    extends SolrParams
    This is a simple wrapper to SolrParams that will throw a 400 exception if you ask for a parameter that does not exist. Fields specified with In short, any value you for from a RequiredSolrParams will return a valid non-null value or throw a 400 exception. (If you pass in null as the default value, you can get a null return value)
    solr 1.2
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • RequiredSolrParams

        public RequiredSolrParams​(SolrParams params)
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public String get​(String param)
        get the param from params, fail if not found
        Specified by:
        get in class SolrParams
      • getFieldParam

        public String getFieldParam​(String field,
                                    String param)
        Description copied from class: SolrParams
        returns the String value of the field parameter, "f.field.param", or the value for "param" if that is not set.
        getFieldParam in class SolrParams
      • getFieldParams

        public String[] getFieldParams​(String field,
                                       String param)
        Description copied from class: SolrParams
        returns the String values of the field parameter, "f.field.param", or the values for "param" if that is not set.
        getFieldParams in class SolrParams
      • getParams

        public String[] getParams​(String param)
        Description copied from class: SolrParams
        returns an array of the String values of a param, or null if no mapping for the param exists.
        Specified by:
        getParams in class SolrParams
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Description copied from class: SolrParams
        Like SolrParams.toQueryString(), but only replacing enough chars so that the URL may be unambiguously pasted back into a browser. This method can be used to properly log query parameters without making them unreadable.

        Characters with a numeric value less than 32 are encoded. &,=,%,+,space are encoded.

        toString in class SolrParams
      • getInt

        public int getInt​(String param,
                          int def)
        Description copied from class: SolrParams
        Returns the int value of the param, or def if not set
        getInt in class SolrParams
      • getFloat

        public float getFloat​(String param,
                              float def)
        Description copied from class: SolrParams
        Returns the float value of the param, or def if not set
        getFloat in class SolrParams
      • getBool

        public boolean getBool​(String param,
                               boolean def)
        Description copied from class: SolrParams
        Returns the boolean value of the param, or def if not set
        getBool in class SolrParams
      • getFieldInt

        public int getFieldInt​(String field,
                               String param,
                               int def)
        Description copied from class: SolrParams
        Returns the int value of the field param, or the value for param, or def if neither is set.
        getFieldInt in class SolrParams
      • getFieldBool

        public boolean getFieldBool​(String field,
                                    String param,
                                    boolean def)
        Description copied from class: SolrParams
        Returns the boolean value of the field param, or the value for param, or def if neither is set.
        getFieldBool in class SolrParams
      • getFieldFloat

        public float getFieldFloat​(String field,
                                   String param,
                                   float def)
        Description copied from class: SolrParams
        Returns the float value of the field param, or the value for param, or def if neither is set.
        getFieldFloat in class SolrParams
      • getFieldParam

        public String getFieldParam​(String field,
                                    String param,
                                    String def)
        Description copied from class: SolrParams
        returns the String value of the field parameter, "f.field.param", or the value for "param" if that is not set. If that is not set, def
        getFieldParam in class SolrParams
      • check

        public void check​(String... params)